
Different collar types

Professional standard

Length and open angle are “温和的” 领子叫标准领子. 这种衬衫在商务活动中很常见. 颜色以单色和白色为主. 是最常见最常见的款式. 不受年龄因素影响,适合任何脸型.

Grade heterochromatic collar

Plain or striped shirt with white collar and some cuffs. 大多数项圈是标准项圈或开角项圈, which are perfectly matched with the pezley scroll pattern and are not easy to wear out. 然而, they have a strong sense of fashion. 例如, the different color collars of Shi nationality and chamus, please choose carefully.

Traditional snap collar

The left and right collars are sewed with lifting buttons, and the neckties are threaded from the lifting buttons. The shirt collar with tight collar emphasizes the strictness and the three-dimensional image of the tie structure. Wearing this kind of collar type shirt, you must wear a tie, usually with a tight knot, so that the collar is appropriate. The tie pattern matching the snap collar is traditional and conservative. The fine and warm stripe or British stripe fabric is the best partner of this shirt.


The angle of the left and right collars is between 120 和 180 度数. This type of collar is also called open angle collar. It is said that the Duke of Windsor, who did not love beautiful people in the past, loved this kind of collar the most. The tie tie tie matched with this is called Windsor tie. The tie tie is wide and very personal, which is suitable for round face and square face.

Button collar

The sports collar point is fixed on the body with buttons. 原本是运动衫. This collar type is mostly used on casual shirt, 比如牛仔裤衬衫. Some business shirts adopt button collar to fix ties, which is suitable for young people.
