
真空镀是在真空条件下,通过蒸馏或溅射,在塑件表面沉积各种金属和非金属薄膜。. 这样, 可以获得非常薄的表面涂层. 同时, 具有附着力快、附着力好等突出优点, 但价格也高, 并且可以操作的金属种类很少, 一般用作更高档次产品的功能. 涂层, 例如, is used as an internal shield. There are two common electroplating processes for plastic products: water plating and vacuum ion plating.

In stainless steel: vacuum ion plating, also known as vacuum plating. Vacuum plating is now a relatively popular method, the product has a strong metal sense and high brightness. Compared with other coating methods, the cost is lower and the pollution to the environment is small. Now it is widely used in various industries.
